
Margin Farm

Is in love with the potential that AR, VR and MR have to transform, entertainment, health care, travel, education, communications, relationship development, advertising technology and many other market sectors.

See our top picks below…and please submit your picks to

Let’s take a closer look at Margin Farm’s 10 favorites.


The German based ICAROS GmbH is combining a virtual reality head mounted display with a fully new engineered device which gave their company its name: ICAROS (see header picture). Players plank in the ICAROS and by moving and tilting their body (and consequently activating different muscles) they “fly” in the virtual reality. Applications range from racing a motorcycle, diving with a submarine or flying a jetpack-like device – all controlled by your bodies movement.

#2 Virtuix

A company in VR gaming niche. First off, this team of designers and developers created their own unique VR gear called Virtuix Omniverse. Its the advanced stationary “treadmill” motion unit with moving gear, controllers and a headset to provide a rich and realistic action in a small space area. It is quite complex and looks like nothing else in the VR industry. They call it a “VR motion platform”, and they have a suite of 15 VR games to play exclusively on it (even multiplayer games). With over 2,000 units sold, Virtuix has a good start.

#3 Cyberith Virtualizer

Cyberith Virtualizer literally lets you set foot into the VR environment allowing as much immersion in the game as currently possible. Admittedly an application for the more sophisticated gamer, the Virtualizer physical platform tracks whether you walk or run and if you stand, crouch or sit and brings these movements into different game scenarios.

#4 VironIT

VironIT is a software development company that uses a well-balanced set of technology skills to build incredible Virtual Reality experiences. VironIT VR development teams focus on custom solutions for a range of top Virtual Reality headsets and platforms, including HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, etc. It also offers state-of-the-art game development, using specific gaming engines like Unity and Unreal Engine. The company uses the wide experience to ensure that clients have the best technical solutions to solve their business challenges and deliver value for their organization. Check a VR app they developed in this video.

#5 Zero Latency

In the real world, our eyes accommodate to focus on one narrow point which becomes elucidated and sharp, whereas every other object becomes blurred. However, in the virtual reality this is currently not the case and every object (regardless if one is focused on it or not) is sharp, leaving the subject with an unnatural feeling behind. Thanks to Avegant´s Light Field technology, this could change in the future. The Light Field technology offers the visualization of objects at multiple focal planes which increases the realism of the virtual/mixed reality by sharpening objects which the eye accommodates.


When it comes to gaming in VR, it is not solely about putting your VR-Glasses on to immerse in the virtual reality – you also want to feel and touch the objects you see. Axon VR is trying to close this gap by providing tactile and thermal feedback to the user. While no gaming experience is available now, this appears to be only a matter of time. Imagine playing a boxing game where you can literally feel the punches of your opponent and hope that you are not boxing against a heavyweight-champion. Imagine skiing in the Alps and Axon VR lets you literally feel the cold snow. During summer. Right in your home.

#7 Groove Jones 

Groove Jones is an award-winning creative and technology studio, recognized for the work they are doing for world-class brands. They do everything you need related to Virtual Reality: 360-videos and post production, fully interactive VR  experiences, Augmented Reality development, 3D design/CGI/animations, sound design and production, on-site installations, as well as strategic consulting. Their work has appeared at large sale events like the Super Bowl, PGA Tournaments, NASCAR races, SXSW, CES and Comic-Con. Among their major clients are Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, IBM, Samsung, Mastercard, McDonald’s, Nestle, Samsung, and Under Armour. Be sure to check out the video reel below for a sample of their work….

#8 LittlStar

A B2B content distribution platform for virtual reality products. Supporting the wide range (VR experiences, apps, games, 360-videos) and removing the hassle of configuring a product for various user devices. It means once you upload your application or game, Littlstar makes it work on Oculus Rift, Vive, Daydream, GearVR, PlayStationVR and Windows MixedReality sets. “Immersive content, anywhere”, truly a helpful service, and clients like CNN, World of Tanks, Disney, NBC are the proof.

#9 VRHealth

According to Eran Orr, CEO, VRHealth, virtual reality (VR) will be a game changer for the healthcare market in three years.

By 2017, Markets and Markets reported that the VR healthcare market had grown to $976 million from $525 million in 2012. And, according to Grand View Research, the VR and Augmented Reality (AR) healthcare industry will be $5.1 billion by 2025. 

Orr's company, VRHealth, an Israeli health tech company based in Boston, announced a partnership on September 27, 2018, with Oculus to bring their newest health and wellness solutions using a range of Oculus products to the healthcare industry.

FarmerPrenuers Wanted

If you would like to have your solution considered to be a featured solution to other MarginFarmers, we would love to meet you. Feel free to send additional content to

MarginFarm Original: VR / AR / MR

What do you get when you combine Zero Latency, Icaros, exercise, education, entertainment and empathy? A trans formative attraction that is as close to the halo deck as innovation is capable of at this moment.

Imagine flying to a location in a fully responsive flying exercise machine at 20,000 mph. You land and jump on a super motor cycle, also capable of flying at the speed of sound in stealth mode.

The flying machine, bike and other single person machines are provided by Icaros. Once you land at your destination…

Its time to got off the machine and actually wonder through an “infinite room”, provided by Zero Latency, that allows you to have up to 8 players in a fully immersive multi player experience.

We are looking to open the first location that combines these two experiences in every major technology hub in the United States. With our first location to be in San Diego.

MarginFarm Original: Dating

What do you get when you combine online dating, Virtual Reality, image recognition (MTailor) in a shared virtual experience, such as a sunset? You eliminate the biggest complaints about online dating.

If the anonymous meeting goes well, each participant can share what they decide. If you have your own VR camera, you can create your own experiences to share with people you are interested in having a first anonymous meeting.